Race Racism Equity Diversity

Group of school children holding hands in circle outdoors

The Race, Racism, Equity and Diversity Working Group of the World Forum is new and under construction. We are in need of your thoughts, passion and a willingness to share your experiences as we together address injustices and prejudice in Early Childhood Education(ECE) where ever it exists in our world.

As we increase an understanding of and an appreciation for difference, we must approach programmatic, systemic and policy changes which reflect a more just and equitable ECE society, starting with ourselves. Our collective energy will charge the change we seek and our willingness to think about structures that we have yet to see will be at the forefront of our work.

When your color, your religion, your immigration status, your sexual preference,  your chosen identity, your gender or any other variable which may be seen as a barrier, consider joining us and helping us combat the social injustices that exist in our own local environment thus impacting across the world, making a better world for our children.

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in being part of this work.

Race, Racism, Equity, Diversity Working Group Logo