Working Group
Berta MacGregor, Mexico
Bishnu Hari Bhatta, Nepal
Caroline Hudicourt, Haiti
Claire Warden, Scotland
Fiona Robbe, Australia
Gillian McAuliffe, Australia
Hadijah Nandyose, Uganda
Helle Nebelong, Denmark
Irma Allen, Swaziland
Kumara Ward, Australia
Marc Veekamp, Netherlands
Martha Cecelia Fajardo, Colombia
Raed Abu Hayyaneh, Jordan
Swati Popat Vats, India
Jim Wike, United States
Wil Maheia, Belize
Admin Support:
John Rosenow, United States
Nancy Rosenow, United States
Tara Schroder, United States
Kirsten Haugen, United States
The mission of the Nature Action Collaborative for Children is to re-connect children with the natural world by making developmentally appropriate nature education a sustaining and enriching part of the daily lives of the world’s children.
Wonder—The NACC Newsletter
Each edition of Wonder focuses on the Nature Action Collaborative for Children Universal Principles. Wonder is published in Exchange magazine and on the World Forum website. Click on to read – and write! – for Wonder Read More…
International Mud Day
International Mud Day is celebrated across the world every year on June 29! Read the history of Mud Day and find resources to help plan your Mud Day! #wfmudday. Read More…
Environmental Action Kit
The EAK, developed by NACC, includes the Universal Principles for Connecting Children with Nature, activity toolkits for families and educators, advocacy tools, research and more. We hope the information found here will strengthen world-wide efforts at helping the next generation grow up in a “greener” world. We know that finding ways to inspire children’s love for the earth today will help them become tomorrow’s generation of caring environmental stewards.
The World Forum Nature Action Collaborative for Children (NACC) Working Group, in conjunction with the International Association of Nature Pedagogy, invites you to join our tree planting challenge and attend a webinar “One World, One Million Trees!” Together, with our children, we will plant 1,000,000+ trees before the 2022 World Forum on Early Care and Education. Learn more!
Have you planted a tree? Complete our short survey to tell us about it, and share your photos and story on social media using the hashtag #onemilliontreesforchildren