The Working Group on Men in ECE provides a global meeting place for early childhood professionals to reflect on the value of gender balance in early childhood education and the benefits and barriers to men’s full participation and to identify actions to promote these important issues worldwide.
Working Group
Jared Baar, United States
Russell Balantyne, New Zealand
Leonard Chumo Falex, Kenya
Craig d’Arcy, Australia
Peter Graham, Wales
Garry Jones, Canada
Adam Manicom, Canada
Quincy McIntyre-Brandt, Canada
Bryan Nelson, United States
Jerry Parr, United States
Clover Spears, United States
Kenny Spence, Scotland
Nick Terrones, United States
David Wright, United Kingdom
Ronald Blatz, Canada
Henry Kemoli Manani, Kenya
Don Piburn, United States
Liaison: Kirsten Haugen, United States
Promoting the importance of gender balance in the early childhood education workforce.
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More Resources
Rough-and-Tumble Play: A Way to Tackle Socially Constructed Norms
by Nick Terrones
“As I have wrestled and battled toddlers, I have begun to realize that by being intentional and reflective with rough-and-tumble play, I can give young girls the experience of being empowered with a powerful voice. When they say stop and/or no to something, it needs to be heard and respected.
A Manner of Speaking- by Bonnie Neugebauer
“Expect Male Involvement” reads the button Don Piburn gave to me at NAEYC. I felt honored that he knew I would be proud to stand behind this message. In a professional world where we know the power of expectations in shaping the development of young children, we may forget the power of expectations in building and training staff.
Men in Early Care and Education: Leadership Statement
Leadership requires a strong understanding and ownership of one’s identity: grounded in courage, confidence, and unfettered willingness to engage in collaboration.
Design and Nature: Considerations from Men in Early Childhood Education
Considering a uniquely male perspective brings strengths and opportunities for growth to the Working Forum on Design and Nature. What are just a few examples of male characteristics that benefit children?