Part 1: A Beginning – Images of Rights: Children’s Perspectives Project
This article introduces the Images of Rights Project, provides context and background and invites readers’ participation. It is the first of three Exchange magazine articles by the World Forum Foundation’s Working Group on Children’s Rights, which together explain the core principles of provision, protection and participation in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), explore a range of children’s rights issues, and invite you to join our Images of Rights project....
Part 2 – Implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Global Successes and Challenges
This article discusses the history of children’s rights and the development of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), highlighting the ways in which several countries have interpreted this document. It is the second of three Exchange magazine articles by the World Forum Foundation’s Working Group on Children’s Rights, which together explain the core principles of provision, protection and participation in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), explore a range of children’s rights issues, and invite you to join our Images of Rights project....
Part 3 – Children’s Rights in Action: Children and Adults as Partner Advocates
Michael Kelly on Stigma and HIV/AIDS
Michael Kelly gave a powerful provocation on HIV AIDS and stigma at the 2011 World Forum. "It is people who stigmatize, not HIV, ...
The Critical Role of Early Educators in Sustaining Endangered Languages and Cultures
by Barb Carlson, Carolyn Codopony, Karma Gayleg, and Tere Gilbert Stories and perspectives from Bhutan, Canada, the United States and New Zealand demonstrate the importance, challenges and strategies related to preserving diverse languages and cultures, and the unique role that early education can play in that process. Article provided by Exchange Magazine -
A Conversation About Children’s Rights
by Ellen Hall and Alison Maher - Response by Pam Boulton Do Children have rights? How can they be active participants in the classroom? And what does this have to do with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child? Ellen Hall, Alison Maher and Pam Boulton, of the Working Group on Children's Rights discuss these questions and more in this article from Exchange magazine, May/June 2012....
P.E.A.C.E Newsletter
P.E.A.C.E. NEWS Vol. 37: Spring 2016 (Previously CEASE). Featured in this issue: Peace Educators Allied for Children Everywhere Presents the 2015 Peace Awards Justice and Early Education Peace Education: A Transformative Process Peace Education Strategies Peaceful Environments Peace Education: A Personal bibliography...
Seeking Collaborators to Contribute their ‘Voices of Experience’
Do you, or have you ever worked in a children’s home? Do you feel you have observed a positive outcome? If so, we need you! We are seeking collaborators to contribute with their ‘Voices of experience’ for our Working Group: Rights for Children living in Children’s Homes. The 10 Rights were drafted with infants and young children in mind, yet according to us, the realization of these points or rights could also improve the quality of life of older (school-aged) children living in institutions. If you would like to collaborate, please contact [email protected]. Our goal is to publish a book based on The Ten Essential Rights of Infants and Young Children living in Children’s Homes, as part of our Working Group RCCH of the World Forum Foundation, and include ‘voices of experience’ from international collaborators. Main authors and editors: Anna Tardos (Hungary) and Elsa Chahin (Mexico). Our big idea for change is to improve the outcomes for children reared in residential group care around the world. We base our goals on our knowledge that children can be reared in residential group care in ways that result in positive results – children who grow up to be healthy, productive citizens – indistinguishable from a cross section...
Mud Day
International Mud Day was celebrated across the world on June 29! View photos submitted from across the globe of Mud Day festivities. Read the history of Mud Day and find resources to help plan your next Mud Day!...
UNAIDS: 95% of African Children With AIDS Lack Access to Treatment
Our dear friend in Zambia, Michael Kelly, shared this report on the failure of our global society to take care of our children. Where is the sense? What are we thinking? How could we have let 190,000 children die of AIDS–we don’t even have an exact number, so it wasn’t a priority or a possibility to count every one. We cannot allow ourselves to be okay with this. Each of these children, the ones dying right now, is precious and it is our responsibility as adults, as citizens of the world, to use our voices and resources to change this reality....