The Critical Role of Early Educators in Sustaining Endangered Languages and Cultures
by Barb Carlson, Carolyn Codopony, Karma Gayleg, and Tere Gilbert Stories and perspectives from Bhutan, Canada, the United States and New Zealand demonstrate the importance, challenges and strategies related to preserving diverse languages and cultures, and the unique role that early education can play in that process. Article provided by Exchange Magazine -
Indigenous Children’s Rights: Equality, Inclusion, Human Development
By Martha Llanos, PhD. A presentation to the World Forum Foundation, May 2011...
From Coloured Blocks to Rabbit Snares
“From Coloured Blocks to Rabbit Snares,” an article by Libby Stoker-Lavelle in Cottage North magazine, features our own Barb Carlson discussing ways they’ve transformed their early childhood education training courses to include a greater focus on indigenous culture integration...
Design and Nature: Considerations from the Indigenous People’s Action Group
Considerations on Nature and Design from the Indigenous People’s Action Group...