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Videos Addressing HIV/AIDS Issues

Lucie Cluver Presentation at Regional PSS Forum – Dr. Lucie Cluver presents the results of her groundbreaking study of children whose parents are ill with or have died from HIV and AIDS (15 mins, with slides). This presentation was delivered at the Regional Psychosocial Support Forum 2011, co-hosted by SADC, REPSSI, UNICEF and the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund.[su_spacer size="25"] Interview with Lucie Cluver – Child carers in South Africa – An interview with Lucie Cluver from Oxford University. She talks about her research on children who care for their HIV positive parents. We learn about how they live, how they are often bullied in school and what children across the world can do to support.[su_spacer size="25"] Children of AIDS Face Mental Health Needs – This is the Voice of America Special English Health Report. In June of nineteen eighty-one, public health officials in the United States reported on the first cases of what came to be known as AIDS. Thirty years later, there is growing progress against the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. But today an estimated sixteen and a half million children have lost one or both parents to AIDS. Most of these AIDS orphans live in sub-Saharan...

Reflective Moments

This article is based on Claire’s reflections on the context of space and place at the 2015 Working Forum on Design and Nature. By Claire Warden (Scotland) Whilst in New Zealand at the working forum of OnDesign and the Nature Action Collaborative for Children I listened to the presentations of Adam Bienenstock (Canada), Robyn Christie (New Zealand) and Maxine Shortland (New Zealand) which explored the context of space and place in the design process. I was asked to summarize. What follows is my response and thoughts to take forward into our design and pedagogy of children’s spaces. ‘Most people are on the world, not in it- having no conscious sympathy or relationship to anything about them- undiffused, separate, and rigidly alone like marbles of polished stone, touching but separate’ – John Muir We work with nature and embrace it. But are we standing alone like marbles of polished stone? Do we reside on top of the land, as separate entities? Human beings do not need to connect but to re-connect to nature, to live in synergy with it as integral parts of a larger balanced, global system. How do we do this in our work with children? Can we create a way of being with...