Protection: This Guy is me and This is My Brother
"This guy is me and this is my brother. This is the thunder and rain. There's rain coming down and there's no one to protect so we're standing in the rain. We don't know if it's thunder or lightening." Protection...
Provision: This is Me Pregnant
"This is me pregnant and this is the doctor who is so surprised about that." Provision...
Participation: Climbing On It
"Fallen tree Climbing on it Felt hard Hold onto branch I felt big Go across slowly Jumped down I felt happy" Participation...
Protection and Participation: This is Me in My Rocket Ship Bed
"This is part of my rocket ship. This is me in my rocket ship bed. I'm laying down and I'm looking at a special telescope and looking outside into space." Protection Participation...
Protection: The House Protects the Animals
"The house protects the animals from the rain and snow. They do not like to be cold. The animals stay inside. The bears are the moms and daddies. They keep the little animals warm and if the babies get lost they get them back. " Protection...
Protection: The Bridge Protects the Animals
There are salmon fish and sharks...
Protection: The Animals Are Lost
The animals are lost because they walked out of the jungle and they did not know so now they can not get home. Here are maps and helpers and they help the animals get back to the jungle. They will go back to their home which is their nest after they drink water on the top because they can not swim but they are thirsty so they need help. Protection ...
Participation: I Have All My Friends in My Head
"I have all my friends in my head." Participation...
Protection:It’s a Rainbow Bed
"It's a rainbow bed under those covers. This is so I don't fall out. The little things are when there is an emergency. You can push the buttons. You go the door; you'll press more buttons and the door would open." Protection...
Protection: In Case You Get Lost
The lake and swings and sandbox in case you get lost. Protection...