FIJI — Analesi Tuicaumia Reports on Cyclone Winston
“We hope all is well in preparation for WF in 2017 — this is such great news for us in the Pacific.”
–Bula Vinaka from Fiji
Fiji at the moment just came through a very hard time when we struck by Tropical Cyclone Winston on Saturday 20th February. ‘The death toll from Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston has increased to 44. Latest statistics from the National Disaster Management Office reveal that there are 22 deaths from the Eastern Division, 13 from the west, six from the Central Division and three from the Northern Division. A child from Nasau village on Koro Island is still missing.’ (source: FBC)
‘UNICEF estimates that up to 120,000 children are being affected. UNICEF Pacific representative Karen Allen said children were often the most vulnerable during emergencies and UNICEF continues to support the Fijian Government’s efforts in addressing the needs of children.’ (source: Fiji Times)
The whole country was out of electricity — technicians have been working round the clock — as we write we just got power back into our school, 5 days later. While others had theirs restored earlier, some have had to make do with what they can find, such as kerosene lanterns or LED lights from the hardware store.
Children in our centre were quite safe except our five Mobile kindy communities who live in sub-standard homes and settlements. We made sure that we continue to have our classes going in the communities. At least children will still be having fun and this will help families restore confidence in rebuilding. We started collecting food items, clothes and mats for the children.
Please remember us in your prayers and thoughts as we continue to rebuild our island nation and our little ones’ lives.”
– Analesi Tuicaumia
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