Needs of Children | Haleinta Traore, Burkina Faso
Check out Haleinta Traore's video to see what she has to say about parents needing support to provide what is best for their children, raising political awareness about meeting children's needs, integrating nutrition and responsive care, and so much more...
Early Childhood Stresses Turned into Traumas by Adults | Skand Bali, India
Skand Bali sat down with us in Macao, China back in April at the 2019 World Forum on Early Care and Education. Check out the video below to see what he has to say about the benefits of working with young children, remaining aware of the stresses school can present to children...
An innovative Initiative by Saraswati Mandir Trust | Vishakha Deshpande, India
With a view of propagating and creating awareness about the scientific, research-based, stress less and joyful methodologies in education within the society and by engaging within the parents, grandparents, and educators, Saraswati Mandir Trust, Naupada, Thane, India had organized a two days grand education fair, ‘Balnagari – The Seeding Edufest’(Balnagari means ‘Children’s Town’)...
Countering Social Inequality | Ebru Aktan Acar, Turkey
World Forum National Representative, Ebru Aktan Acar of Turkey shares her work with The Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University ÇABAÇAM (Multi Purpose Early Childhood Education Centre) since its opening back in 2008...
UK Falling Behind in Supporting Young Children | David Wright, United Kingdom
David Wright, the World Forum National Representative for UK, discusses how public policy can support the needs of its citizens and observes how the UK is failing to meet the basic early childhood needs of children, families, and caregivers...
Inclusion | Masarrat Tavawalla, India
Masarrat Tavawalla's passion for Early Childhood Education, teacher training, and inclusion was inspiring at the 2019 World Forum on Early Care and Education. Learn more here...
Latest News from Nepal | Bishnu Bhatta, Nepal
World Forum friend, Bishnu Bhatta shares with us the most recent Partnership for Sustainable Development-Nepal Newsletter. Check it out here!...
Asia Pacific Global Leaders for Young Children meet in Vietnam | Hanoi, Vietnam
The World Forum’s 2019-2020 cohort of Asia Pacific Global Leaders for Young Children met in conjunction with the Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2nd through the 6th...
Dream Corners | Driton Berisha, Kosovo
This project was made possible with the help of the community volunteers willing to support first grade Roma children with "Dream Corners"...
Futures Thinking | Joe Waters, United States
World Forum 2019 Presenter and Co-Founder and CEO of Capita, Joe Waters has been in ECE for nearly 10 years working mainly in early childhood advocacy. In Macao, Joe provided some additional insight into his thoughts on the importance of future thinking...