World Forum Values Summit

Join us in taking the World Forum out into local communities in Brazil, South Africa, and Canada with the intention of positively impacting children and those that work with them.
Please join us for this new World Forum experience. Attend one of the World Forum Values Summits in the following locations:
Salvador, Brazil | POSTPONED
West Africa | POSTPONED
Vancouver, Canada | Monday, March 21, 2022 prior to the 2022 World Forum for Early Care and Education

Connect your local ECD program with the World Forum Community and a network of early childhood leaders from around the world.
Engage in an international exchange of ideas about how values guide and inspire our work with children.
Take the experience back home with you to engage your local staff, parents, and stakeholders to become a World Forum Foundation Recognized Values Program.
How to Become a Recognized World Forum Foundation Values Program
The World Forum Foundation was created with the idea that good things would happen for children of the world if early childhood professionals could come together, share stories and perspectives, and develop ongoing relationships.
Since 1999, the World Forum Foundation has connected people from around the world who are passionate about improving the life chances of all children, learning from one another, informing, engaging and inspiring the adults who support children’s positive growth and development. Through this ongoing exchange of ideas, perspectives are broadened and our World Forum values are brought to life.
Five key values have been the foundation of this international community of early childhood leaders: Children, Change, Relationships, Spirit and Differences. Local early childhood programs can now align themselves with these guiding principles through becoming a Recognized World Forum Foundation Values Program.
As a Recognized World Forums Value Program, you will have an opportunity to connect your local ECD program with an international community of likeminded leaders and programs. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate that you are committed to these guiding values in your own local program. You will receive tools to engage your team in thoughtful reflection of how you live out these values in your program. You will be personally connected to a network of diverse programs and individuals that have similar values in their work in Early Childhood.
To become a Recognized World Forum Foundation Values Program, you must:
- Be an organization in good standing with applicable regulatory standards, that provides direct early childhood services to children
- Attend a World Forum Values Summit
- Take reflection tools from the Values Summit back to use in your own local program
- Complete an application that demonstrates your commitment to embracing the values in your local program and a plan to do so.
After completing the process, Recognized World Forum Values Programs will be listed on the World Forum Foundation website and can display the Values Program logo at their program and in program materials.
An annual renewal application will be required to maintain active status as a Recognized World Forum Foundation Values Program, and will serve as an opportunity to stay engaged with the international community of Recognized Values Programs.
Register now to join one of these regional Values Summits and help us connect ECD programs from around the world in a dialogue about Children, Change, Relationships, Spirit and Differences.
Salvador, Brazil
May 26-28, 2020
Stand alone values summit in Brazil in addition to the Global Leaders Regional Meeting
West Africa
October 2020
Price: to be determined
Pre-conference summit in conjunction with the Global Leaders Africa Regional Meeting
Vancouver, Canada
April 19, 2021
Pre-conference values summit in conjunction with the 2021 World Forum on Early Care and Education