Presentation Proposals



The deadline to submit proposals for 2017 World Forum was July 1, 2016, however you may submit an application to be on a wait list. You will be notified no later than September 1, 2016 if there is room for your presentation.

2017 World Forum Presentation Details:

Each session will have three to four presenters, with representation from multiple parts of the world. Sessions are 1.5 hours, with each presenter speaking for 15-20 minutes. The rest of the session time is reserved for questions and group interaction.

To be on the wait list: You may apply as an individual and if your application is accepted we will place you in a session with others from around the world. You will be connected with your fellow presenters before you arrive in Auckland. OR, you may propose your own panel of four presenters from diverse regions of the world who would like to present on the same topic together.

WF PresenterYour presentation should address one of the following topics:

Children as Peace Builders in Conflict Situations * Children Impacted by HIV/AIDS * Children Living in Children’s Homes * Children’s Rights * Connecting Children with Nature * Curriculum * Delivery Systems (E.G. Family Childcare, Head Start) * Environmental Sustainability * Family Engagement * Gender Issues and Equity * Health and Well-being * Including Children with Special Needs * Indigenous People’s Rights and Issues * Infants and Toddlers * Leadership * Men in ECE * Play * Poverty and Economic Equity * Refugees and Immigration * Research * Teacher Education * Technology – Appropriate Considerations for ECE * Trauma and Resilience
