Video: An Overview of the Voices of Children Project
[su_vimeo url="" width="360" height="240" responsive="no" class="alignright"] An international team of World Forum Foundation educators and filmmakers journeyed the globe, sparking conversations. Then they stepped back and let the children speak for themselves...
Voices of Children Update – April 2017
An update from the Voices of Children documentary team from January 2017...
Double your donation to Voices of Children!
A generous anonymous donor has pledged to give up to $5,000 in matching funds to raise much needed support for our Voices of Children documentary. The Voices of Children documentary is an in-depth exploration of how to engage with children in a true give-and-take dialog about how they experience their rights to participation, provision and protection. The project team has already filmed in Brazil, Singapore, India, Colorado, USA, and Kenya, and has collected additional footage from other international contributors. Funding is now needed to review and compile the footage for initial screening at World Forum 2017 in Auckland this May. Contribute to this ground-breaking project today! [su_button url="" style="flat" background="#0f746b" size="4" icon="icon: arrow-left"]Back to Voices of Children[/su_button] [su_button url="" style="flat" background="#0f746b" size="4" icon="icon: heart"]Donate now[/su_button] ...
VoC Footage from Bangalore
Video: Mallya Aditi International School - Bangalore (0:59) "I don't want the factories...
VoC Footage from Singapore
Video: Child at Street Eleven - Singapore (0:43) "Roll on the grass and get dizzy!" "Laugh!" View a clip of the wisdom shared by children with the Voices of Children team when they spent time at Child at Street 11, Singapore, in early 2016. [su_vimeo url=""] [su_button url="" style="flat" background="#0f746b" size="4" icon="icon: arrow-left"]Back to Voices of Children[/su_button] [su_button url="" style="flat" background="#0f746b" size="4" icon="icon: heart"]Donate Now[/su_button]...
Voices of Children Update – March 2016
March 2016 – The Voices of Children Journey Continues in India and Singapore This past month the Voices of Children (VoC) project continued the journey to better understand young children’s perspectives on rights by travelling to sites in Mumbai, Bangalore and Singapore. Our team of two videographers and three educators from Brazil, USA, and Singapore engaged directly with teachers, parents and children during twelve intensive days of listening through drawing, story telling, movement, play, and the language of video. What is it like to engage in a dialogue of over an hour with small groups of 4-6 year olds about how they see their lives, the environment, and their community? How do we really “hear” and make visible the underlying threads of how they see their rights and how they can contribute? What is the impact of unpacking the cultural and political meaning of rights with educators in India and Singapore? Clearly, we have been the learners. Through our collaboration we have realized that the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), while an important tool, is a legal document created by adults. The VoC Project, which also includes reciprocal mentoring with contributors on the ground in Israel, Australia, Pakistan, Nepal,...
Voices of Children Update – October 2015
Oct 2015 – In the past seven months we have learned the importance of patience, perseverance, and creativity as our video documentary project continues to move forward. We were reminded of the realities of global collaboration when we initiated our mentoring work with our many contributors using online platforms from Adobe Connect©, to Skype©, to old-fashioned email. Not only did slow internet connections, hardware issues, and language differences present challenges, but also world events such as the natural disaster in Nepal and civil unrest in Bangladesh. We have been humbled by the willingness of our contributors around the world to keep finding solutions. In the past month, we received our first video excerpts from Scotland, and we expect more from New Zealand and Pakistan shortly. In addition, we have initiated an additional strategy in which a small team of VoC committee members (including a videographer) travels to sites to conduct workshops with the community, collect video, and invite children to use GoPro© cameras as an innovative way to directly capture their experience of rights. Our team has already collected video in Brazil and has plans to travel to India and Singapore in the New Year. This strategy will not only...