Adult Play | Glory Ressler, Canada
Glory Ressler joined us in Macao to discuss the importance of playfulness and self-care as an adult in the early learning and care field...
Shared Values | Nicole Biondi, South Africa
World Forum Delegate, Nicole Biondi of South Africa stopped into the café in Macao, China to discuss technology and human caring and so much more...
A Field for All, Father and Son | Leonard Falex, Kenya
Leonard Falex talks about his change of field and the impact on his life and perspective. ECD is the field for all. What he wants to be for his son...
One Person in World Forum Community Changing A Country | Eddy Nyarwaya, Rwanda
Check out this story of how one person, engaged with the WF, open and strategic, can use their experience to create change in a country...
Kojo Keelson on Slavery Past and Present | Eben Lartey, Ghana
Eben Lartey and his wife Rahel took us to Cape Coast Castle in Ghana to learn about the slave trade and experience of this place...
MARCH 8 is International Women’s Day
NEPAL — Agatha Thapa provided care and education experiences for untouchable children....
FIJI — Giani Totanina Awenia Chapman Reads Her Book on Climate Change
Global leader Temesia Manuel shares a video of his student Giani. ...
ITALY — Amelia Gambetti Reflects on the Beauty of Nature
Amelia reflects on travels to the Arctic and Antarctica....
AFGHANISTAN — Najeebullah Musafirzada Talks about Conflict
What is life like everyday for children living in conflict?...