Voices of Children Documentary Project
Creating a documentary of children voicing their rights through both verbal and non-verbal expression The Voices of Children Project supports adults to understand young children’s diverse perspectives on their rights. A core goal is to create a video documentary that advocates for children’s rights in cultural contexts worldwide. Foundational values for the project come from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and our belief that children in the early childhood years are competent and capable human beings, who realize and are able to communicate their rights. As mentors, we guide participating educators from around the globe through the process of identifying their understandings of rights, learning to listen to children, and supporting children to voice their rights through both verbal and non-verbal expression. As a powerful rights statement, the Voices of Children documentary will provide a resource for advocates to initiate a dialogue with educators, legislators, and leaders throughout the world. Voices of Children is a special project envisioned, organized and implemented by the World Forum Working Group on Children’s Rights. Follow our progress here! <<Back...
Images of Rights: Children’s Perspectives
Images of Rights: Children’s Perspectives is a project which focuses on advocacy for children’s rights, awareness of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN-CRC), and the broader issues of social, economic, and environmental justice for children. Here you will be able to:
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