
Vishakha Deshpande, India, Believes in the Power of Storytelling

Songs and Rhymes

  • As we all know that the most enjoyable activity children love to do is singing songs rhymes and listening to stories. Training teachers to deliver songs and story sessions with facial expressions and using body movements becomes inevitable. Most of the time here in India, teachers have inhibitions and they hardly attempt to shed those. I have been training teachers for effective delivery of songs and stories.
  • A child is born with a musical aptitude as it is constantly listening to the mother’s heart beats right from the time when it is in her womb. This music aptitude continues to flourish in a musically enriched environment.
  • Music builds and strengthens bonds communication between you and your children. Transitions will be smoother and children will be more likely to remember the daily routine. Greeting and Good Bye songs, and songs of transitions like picking up toys, washing hands, naps and meal time help establish routine. Music will not only help you to connect with the children, it will also make the day more enjoyable.
  • A teacher who engages herself with the children in dance and music becomes immensely popular among the kids.
  • Let the actions include body movements like jumping, twisting, twirling, clapping, stamping etc. Kinaesthetic movements help consume children’s energy and later make them more concentrated on the conceptual learning.


  • Story telling is a magical key to language development. The story telling sessions should be the memorable moments in the child’s daily routine
  • Storytelling in early education years is for entertainment and enjoyment and not for memorizing or by hearing the moral of the story.
  • Before you start telling the story, create an atmosphere, so as to make the children ready to listen to the story. Ask them to do some actions.
  • Use facial expressions for different moods.
  • Modulate the voice according to the emotions and situations
  • Make language as easy as possible.
  • Make use of rhyming words.
  • Try to use familiar references

By Vishakha Deshpande
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